Customer Care
Demonstrating genuine care for your customers through a graceful purchasing process, extraordinary support, quality guarantees, and other acts of kindness that leave your customers remarking about the experience.
A Lifetime Focus to Customer Service A Lifetime Focus to Customer Service
The mission of Goodmans is “to create great lifetime furniture experiences”. That mission is slyly provocative because of the word “lifetime”. Our teams spend a lot of energy discussing the difference between just a “great furniture experience” and a “great lifetime furniture experience”. Specifically, this is the difference between “Day One” of a furniture project…
Beyond First-World Service Beyond First-World Service
We pride ourselves on paying insurance claims to our middle to low-income clients within 72 hours. This is faster than the average in the western world! Further, to help people make claims, we have “call-out centers” where we call people who, for instance, show a large drop in their monthly cell phone usage. Indicators like…
Gamifying Behaviour Change Gamifying Behaviour Change
“Realizing a better tomorrow starts with changing behaviors today. To help you improve your everyday life, we emphasize the power of taking small actions and we award you points when you take them.” With Recyclebank, people are rewarded for recycling at home. Members earn points based on the total weight recycled by the community. So…
Loving Our Audience Loving Our Audience
How does a GameChanger wish its subscribers and 200,000 customers a Merry Christmas?
Measuring & Improving Well-Being Measuring & Improving Well-Being
Vancity’s commitment to member and community well-being is highly important in members’ decisions to join us (44%). In 2012 we asked members if they agreed that Vancity’s contribution to the community has had a positive impact on their personal well-being. We set a target range of 47-49% agreement by the end of 2012, which we…
Publishing Client Stories Publishing Client Stories
When we were first starting out it was easy to see the effects of our impact and adjust according. As we scaled it became a challenge to remain connected to our customers. Therefore, each month we now publish a story on a client and how we’ve impacted their life. This helps keep our team connected…
A New Way To Collect Feedback A New Way To Collect Feedback
We developed a new way to collect feedback from sellers by meeting them in person in the spaces where they make, create, and manage their shops. Seller studio visits gives Etsy employees from all departments a deeper under- standing of the seller experience. Employees learn firsthand about seller workflows, connecting them more deeply to sellers’…
Taking Time for Member Support Taking Time for Member Support
Every employee across the company gets the chance to help our Support team by responding to inquiries from our members. During these quarterly support rotations, employees connect directly to our community and to get a better understanding of the challenges our users encounter. Through this deeper understanding we are able to build better products that…
The School of WOW! The School of WOW!
Designed and refined after years of custom events and participant feedback, the newly launched School of WOW has two offerings: one for customer service leaders and one for frontline employees. Led by Zappos customer service experts, both platforms review the key tools needed to set your customer service apart and really WOW your customers. Hosted…