100% Renewable Energy
Guayakí is proud to have converted its entire operation to 100% renewable energy by transferring all of its conventional electrical power usage to renewable solar energy. We offset over 55 tons of our corporate CO2 footprint…locally. In tandem with this commitment, we have purchased enough solar power to offset the carbon 1 energy market in a similar way the purchase of a Guayakí product helps drive more reforestation.
About our carbon reduction efforts:
• By building an inventory of our company’s energy usage, we were able to determine that our business is responsible for an estimated 28.5 tons of CO2 each year.
• By working with Green Mountain Energy we were able to purchase enough Renewable Energy Credits to offset 2 years worth of company CO2 emissions from energy usage (57 tons). “Energy usage” consists of electricity, natural gas & refrigerant emissions.
• Our source for the offsets → a solar facility at the Solar Living
Institute in Hopland, CA; only 40 miles from our headquarters in Santa Rosa, CA.
• We are purchasing, in total, roughly 175.5 MWh’s of green power from this facility. Purchasing renewable energy helps ensure that facilities, like this one, continue to operate cost effectively and can therefore compete with other traditional sources of electricity such as fossil fuels.