Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire

“Most companies are very quick to hire and slow to fire, when really it should be the other way around.” – Tony Hsieh

Being ‘slow to hire’ may seem like a hindrance when you need talent yesterday, but doing so can help your company in the long run. “When you’re too quick to hire, you can miss something,” says Bailen. “Make sure you’re doing your due diligence on the front end and don’t be afraid to part ways if it’s not a match.” Shake things up with out-of-the-box interview questions to vet different behaviors and bring out a candidate’s personality. Finding out what they’re interested in and what they like doing helps recruiters relate to applicants individually.

Adding new components to the interview process can be an opportunity for companies to be more transparent about who they are and what they’re looking for and can contribute more helpful data points than just what’s on paper.