Opportunity Collaboration is an un-conference, a working business retreat, and a completely innovative approach to establishing solutions to poverty. This GameChanger is predicated on the powerful idea that out of fragmentation can come collaboration, from diversity can come unity and from cross-fertilization can come innovation. Jonathan Lewis decided to do something about this market gap…
Opportunity Collaboration
Badges 1/12
Legal Structure
Ownership Model
Why we are in business
Our Purpose
How we operate
Our Practices
We strive to operate our business in a way that maximizes benefit to all life impacted, and to share our practices to inspire other companies to do the same.
Clearly defining your mission and demonstrating your commitment to it through a theory of change that drives your strategy, impact measurements that track your progress, incentives that keep purpose a priority, and/or a legal structure that ensure social and environmental objectives are upheld.
What we impact
Our Performance
GameChangers.co has verified
Opportunity Collaboration as a for-benefit business